St. Mark Hope and Peace
Building Hope and Proclaiming Peace on Troost
An ELCA Community inside the beautiful Troost Corridor of Kansas City, Missouri.

We worship every Sunday at 10:30 am in our worship space located in downtown Kansas City. Our service is contemporary Lutheran, structured in form and comfortable in presentation.
We offer adult Sunday school at 9:15 AM, topics have included liberation theology, the prophetic word, discovering vocation (God's calling), spiritual gifts and introductory classes on the Gospels. The community is invited to suggest areas for study. We are currently reading Radical Welcome by Stephanie Spellers.
Music is one of the ways we worship. Our musicians lead us, and we sing out strong, whether perfectly pitched or not. We want everyone to experience worship as refreshing and joyful.
After worship we have time for fellowship. There you are invited to meet, talk and make new friends. Coffee is always served (after all we are Lutherans!) as well as tea and snacks.