St. Mark Hope and Peace
Building Hope and Proclaiming Peace on Troost
An ELCA Community inside the beautiful Troost Corridor of Kansas City, Missouri.
About us
Who We Are
We are a community that believes in the Grace of God for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation or gender identity. Jesus Christ is God incarnate, sent for us all to take away our sin and lead us intio peace and justice. As believers in Christ, we strive to help others in need and love all our neighbors. We believe all voices are valid, and we strive to hear everyone. We don't do everything perfectly, but we are a congregation that is willing to listen, learn, and change. The table is open at St. Mark Hope and Peace, and there is a place set for you.
As Lutherans, we believe that we are saved by the grace of God, which is freely given to all. We commune every Sunday, and the table is open to all. We are dedicated to inclusivity, so we offer wine, grape juice, and both homemade bread and gluten-free wafers. We believe that God calls God's people to action.
As a Reconciling in Christ church, we embrace in holiness and into wholeness people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We strive to welcome all people, and when we fail, we learn and correct our mistakes.
Building Hope, Proclaiming Peace
Our name is more than nice words—it’s a mission statement. We are building hope and proclaiming peace in the city, to the city, and for the city. We strive to put our faith into practice, going beyond the walls of our building to work for the justice that Jesus demands for all people. As part of our current ministry, we have an emergency pantry set up in our sanctuary, where those in need can get non-perishable foods. No one is ever turned away, especiall during our Sunday morning services. On the first Saturday of every month, a group of us get together to sew quilts to send to refugees, and knit or crochet hats and scarves for Bus Stop Ministry to hand out to those in need in the winter. We also use our building to support the ministry of others, hosting the Stand Up KC movement, which is fighting for a higher minimum wage, the Baptist church Greater Gilgal, and the Traditional Music Society, which teaches African dance and drumming. Our congregation also supports our pastor in her activism, especially her involvement with Stand Up KC. Some of our church members are also beginning work welcoming refugees, by greeting them at airports or helping set up apartments, and more.
This is not the end of our ministry. We are a growing congregation of willing workers, and we have many hopes for our future. Soon, we hope to partner with some of our neighborhoods to do community work with them. We are also working on setting up an after school center in our lower level; we have hired a director and are seeking grants. Our future is rich with possibility. Bring your gifts and ideas on how to expand and strengthen our ministry. We'd love to hear them. ​