St. Mark Hope and Peace
Building Hope and Proclaiming Peace on Troost
An ELCA Community inside the beautiful Troost Corridor of Kansas City, Missouri.

Worship 10:30am Sunday
Radically Inclusive

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Who We Are
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, and we welcome people of all sexualities and gender identities.
We are young, old and everything in between. We come from various economic backgrounds, from all areas of Kansas City and beyond. We are straight, gay, and bi; married, partnered and single. We really mean it when we say all are welcome.
May peace be with you. May hope fill your heart.
Worship with Holy Communion: Sunday 10:30 AM
​Sunday School/Bible Study: Sunday 9:30 AM
What sets our church apart is love. We love each other. We love the Troost Corridor, where our church has been gathering for over a hundred years. We love Jesus, and we do our best to be his disciples.